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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Keith make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


The resources and needs of our community are diverse.  The  people of the 19th District live in towns and villages along with rural areas.  It has retail, restaurant, entertainment, and service businesses as well as many livelihoods tied to agriculture.  We have schools, parks, and lakes.  Over-laying all of this are roads, County services like law enforcement, stormwater management, broadband access, and zoning.  As your Representative in County Government, it is important for me to be able to hear what your concerns and needs are.


A gathering of people with common interests (issues, location, experiences) is the best way to communicate.   Consider hosting a gathering of any size for this purpose.  I will do all I can to adjust my other commitments to meet, listen, and share my thoughts on whatever is important to you.

Want to set up a Get-Together? Please click here to email me.


The 19th District is the most rural of all 23 Kenosha County Districts.  While having less than 5% of the population, it covers over 30% of the land mass.  There is a lot of ground to cover.  To effectively represent all District citizens, I rely on other peoples’ eyes and ears to help make me aware of needs or activities. 


Additionally, as policies, ordinances, resolutions, and other official acts of County government are being considered by the Board, getting input from those most affected by them allows me to work in the best interest of our community. 


Being aware of social events, ceremonies, fund-raisers, celebrations, etc. allows me to efficiently connect with constituents…a real benefit given our rural setting. 


Around election time, help with obtaining signatures for nominating petitions, securing permission for sign locations, sign posting, and other campaign opportunities is incredibly helpful in my being able to continue to serve.


Become a volunteer to the 19th District to fulfill any of the needs described by clicking here.   


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Open Positions in Kenosha County

Join Keith Gray

Keith Gray

Tel: 847-757-7885

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