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Why I Ran for Public Office?

While campaigning for Kenosha County Supervisor, I was often asked ‘why would you want to do that?’

A fair question given the perception people have of ‘politicians’ through the various news sources…some are fair, others not so much.

I care about our country, state, county, and the future.  I’m fortunate to have gotten to know elected officials from School Board members to US Senators.  Many of these people serve for the same reasons I did, but I’ve often seen well-intended people without the skills needed to be an effective public servant.  Sadly, incumbents, regardless of their effectiveness, tend to be re-elected. 

Instead of trusting that I would be represented by someone who had the same values I do and would be able to work with others to advance the issues that are important to the citizens of the district, I chose to serve and was honored to be elected.

I do this because I came from the state south of our border that I watched degrade into an over-regulated, over-taxed, over-spending, single-party-patronage and ‘insider’ dominated government that has little chance to recover.  Taxpayers there are being ripped off…plain and simple. Not only are businesses and voters moving to Wisconsin…the politicians from there are too! 

With them come their values and ways of doing things.  By running, I’m trying to do my part to stop the migration into our county of what I left behind:  crime, taxes, inefficient or ineffective government, congestion, graft, and no respect for the rule of law. 

My promise to you:

-Put the unique needs of our District first. (we live in the most rural and sparsely populated District in the County.  Our needs are very different than the needs of many of the more developed or urban districts).

-Work with others without compromising my values, and develop relationships that allow our priorities to get the support they need to become reality.

-Use my experience in business, as an elected official, and in the operation of a not-for-profit to find ways to help deliver the best value to taxpayers.

-Resist taxes, growing government, and lack of accountability at all levels.

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